One of the most important ways to get involved in the life of our congregation is to join one of the smaller communities within our congregation. It is in these communities where the good news of Jesus Christ is experienced regularly and friendships are cultivated.


Christ Communities are small groups of men and/or women, scattered throughout our city, who meet regularly for fellowship, Bible study and prayer.

These small groups gather weekly or biweekly to read and meditate upon that week’s sermon text, and to spend time together in prayer.

To sign up for a Christ Community group, please go here.


Study groups are topic-based gatherings designed to engage church members and neighbours in unique stages of life and faith.

These studies consist of a mix of teaching and discussion, sometimes accompanied by readings, on topics such as marriage and parenting, faith and work, Christian foundations and apologetics.

To sign up for a Small Group study, please go here.


We also have other opportunities to connect in a smaller group setting. These include Moms’ Group, CCSocials, and Youth Group.

Moms’ Group

Mom's Group exists to be a space of fellowship, encouragement and prayer for the Moms in our church. This group meets weekly on Wednesdays from 10AM to noon, where they enjoy fellowship, snacks, a short book study, and a time of prayer each week. To learn more or to sign up, please go here.


The core of this group consists of post-secondary students and young adults, but all ages are welcome! These times of fun, food, and fellowship take place a few times each quarter. To learn more or to sign up, please go here.

CCT Youth

The vision of CCT Youth is to see the youth of our church and community grow in love for God and neighbour.

This group meets weekly on Wednesday nights for food and games, worship, teaching, and small group discussion. Youth are welcome to invite friends and neighbours to everything we do. To learn more or to sign up, check out our webpage here.