This year Christ Church Youth will be meeting on Sundays, with opportunities to participate in "Youth Sunday School" before Sunday worship (9-9:45am) and in "Youth Group" after Sunday worship (12:30-2:30pm). We would love for the youth of our church to join for either or both - and feel free to invite friends!

Youth Group

Our youth group meets on Sundays from 12:30 - 2:30 pm at the CCT office (2017 Danforth Ave) from the last Sunday in September until the first Sunday in June (except on holidays/long weekends). Pizza and salad are provided each week, with games and a lesson, discussion and prayer. This year we will be going through the Gospel-Centered Life for Teens in the fall, and training in Apologetics in the new year.

Basic Information:

  • Who? All youth (grades 6-12) are welcome!

  • When? Sundays, 12:30 - 2:30 pm.

  • Where? Christ Church Toronto Office (2017 Danforth Ave, near Danforth and Woodbine)

Youth Sunday School

This year we are inviting youth to join a Sunday morning course called Covenant Discipleship. This course, led by Pastor Kyle, is to help youth understand the basics of the Christian faith and what it means to be a follower of Christ and a member of his body, the Church.

  • Who? All youth (grades 6-12) are welcome!

  • When? Sundays, 9:00 - 9:45 am (before Sunday worship)

  • Where? Danforth Collegiate (800 Greenwood Ave)

Join Us

If you are interested in joining us, you can sign up here and we will make sure to keep you in the loop.

*Adult Sunday School and Supervised Play are held at the same time as the Youth Sunday School classes to facilitate participation for the whole family. To find our more email