Power to Change
Helping students take their next step towards Jesus.
Website: www.p2c.com/students/
Support link: www.p2c.sh/marthafroese
For more information please direct your emails to Martha Froese at martha.froese@p2c.com
Ratio Christi
Ratio Christi (Latin for ‘The Reason of Christ’) is a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. Bringing together faith and reason to establish the intellectual voice of Christ in the University, Ratio Christi is planting student and faculty-led apologetics clubs at universities around the world.
Website: www.ratiochristi.ca
Currently we are recruiting support to provide a full-time salary to our first Canadian national director. We also have recruiting prayer support for the growth of the ministry at campuses across Canada.
For more information you can contact Ewan Goligher or Cody Guitard (codyguitard@ratiochristi.ca)
InterVarsity’s vision is to introduce youth and students to Jesus and to encourage them to follow Him in every part of their lives. We want them to grow in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s purposes in the world. I serve as the Volunteer Coordinator for InterVarsity, helping connect teachers, pastors, and community members to the ministry so we can see more youth and students reached with the Gospel.
Website: www.ivcf.ca
Support Link: ivcf.ca/donate/katiementzer – Designation “IVCF USA – Katie Mentzer”
For more information please direct your emails to Katie Mentzer at kmentzer@ivcf.ca
The Pregnancy Care Center provides compassionate support to women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy so that they can thrive without seeing abortion as their only option. In a city where each year 10’000+ abortions are preformed, the PCC envisions a city where no woman faces an unexpected pregnancy alone; where every mother and father has access to care, support, and community; and where parents and their unborn children are treasured by all.
Website: www.iamnotalone.ca
Support Link: www.pccfriends.ca
For more information please direct your emails to linda.baartse@pregnancycarecentre.org
Pregnancy Care Centre
Wildwood Bible Camp is a not-for-profit kids & family camp located in Northern Ontario situated between Chapleau and Wawa. Wildwood is a great place to enjoy God’s creation in all its beauty! All of the staff are volunteers who take time out of their summers to serve at Wildwood.
Website: www.wwbc.ca
Support Link: www.wwbc.ca/donate
For more information please direct your emails to matt.wilks@gmail.com